
Our Specialties

Trained and mastered in South Korea, the world's beauty capital, we provide the newest permanent makeup technology.


Feather Brows


All pricing are listed on the appointments booking page, here.

Nano Feather Brows is a semi-permanent eyebrow tattoo procedure that uses a nano needle to place pigment into the surface of the skin. The line strokes very closely mimics the look and detail of actual brow hairs, creating a softer, natural-looking brow. This procedure is done with a digital machine and a single needle which is different than the traditional microblading technique. Microblading has 5 to 14 needles in the blade to cut into the skin, this often results in thicker, darker lines. Nano eyebrow feathering tattoo is a much more gentle technique for the skin. Nano eyebrow feathering is also known as Nano Brows or Feather Brows.

Feather Brows is simply the best way to create natural-looking brows. Color is matched to the client's original hair color. The shade is adjustable according to the client's preference.


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Color Correction

Do you have previously microbladed or tattooed eyebrows that changed color over time?
We can help!

Color correction is an add-on step to first correct the discoloration caused by the previous tattoo. The correction will neutralize the existing tattoo color back to a normal brown tone. Once the brows are corrected back to a brown, then we can feather a fresh new set of strokes on. The new brown strokes will blend seamlessly with the corrected tattoo.

Colors that are suitable for color correction: 

Note: Color correction must be done with the Feather Brows service. Before booking for a color correction appointment, please send photos to nicky@featherhaus.com or text 650.443.6086 for approval first.


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Lashline Tattoo

Eyeliner or lashline tattoo is a permanent tattoo procedure for the upper eyelid/lashline. Same with Nano Feather Brows, it is tattooed using a single needle with a digital machine. From a natural thin eyeliner to a thick, winged makeup look, your choice of the eyeliner style will be tailored to compliment your eyes perfectly. Results last for at least 5 years and longer. Touch up is only recommended when the tattoo has faded overtime.

The advantages of permanent eyeliner:
Free up more time
Whether you're a busy parent, an over-worked professional or even a stay-at-home mom, you'll no longer have to waste time applying or removing your makeup. Additionally, if you find using eyeliner difficult due to lack of practice, impaired vision or a medical condition, permanent eyeliner offers a lasting solution.

Flawless application
Wrinkled or loose eyelids? Your permanent eyeliner will be applied smoothly and flawlessly in one single line.

No more smears
Not only will your eyes look great, they'll stay great, even through the the sweat of a rigorous workout or water splashing from the pool.


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